Did you know that there are many official State & Federal driving laws that are completely ridiculous. Many of these are very old laws that were once relevant, but over time have become obsolete, yet never actually removed. Many others are just common sense, but yet a government approved law had to be written. Here is a list of 30 of the strangest driving laws throughout the USA.

30 - In Alabama, it is illegal to drive with a pet monkey. This law was passed in 2005 after a woman was seen driving down the road with a pet monkey on her shoulder. The law states that it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle while accompanied by any "wild or vicious animal."

29 - In Arizona, it is illegal to honk your car horn after 9pm. This law was passed in 1938 after residents complained about the noise from car horns late at night. The law states that it is illegal to "sound a horn or other warning device on a motor vehicle between the hours of 9pm and 6am" except in an emergency.

28 - In Arkansas, it is illegal to drive barefoot. This law was passed in 1998 after a barefoot driver caused a fatal accident. The law states that it is illegal to "operate a motor vehicle while barefoot.

27 - In California, it is illegal to shoot any game from a moving vehicle, except whales. This law was passed in 1925 after a man was seen shooting ducks from his car. The law states that it is illegal to "shoot, kill, wound, or destroy any bird or mammal from a motor vehicle" except for whales.

26 - In Colorado, it is illegal to drive a black car on a Sunday. This law was passed in 1929 after a black car was involved in a hit-and-run accident. The law states that it is illegal to "operate a motor vehicle with a black body" on a Sunday.

25 - In Connecticut, a fire engine must not exceed 25 miles per hour, even when responding to an emergency. This law was passed in 1910 after a fire engine caused a fatal accident while responding to an emergency. The law states that "no fire engine shall be driven at a speed greater than twenty-five miles per hour when responding to an alarm of fire."

24 - In Delaware, it is illegal to change clothes in your car. This law was passed in 1975 after a woman was seen changing clothes in her car in public. The law states that it is illegal to "indecently expose yourself" in a public place, which includes changing clothes in your car.

23 - In Florida, it is illegal to drive with an ice cream cone in your hand. This law was passed in 1993 after a man was driving with an ice cream cone in his hand and crashed into another car. The law states that it is illegal to "eat or drink from any food or beverage while operating a motor vehicle" unless the food or beverage is in a "closed container with a lid."

22 - In Georgia, it is illegal to drive with a dead person in your car. This law was passed in 1977 after a man was seen driving with a dead body in his car. The law states that it is illegal to "transport or carry any human corpse in or upon any motor vehicle" unless the corpse is "placed in a closed container."

21 - In Hawaii, it is illegal to drive a car with the top down if you are wearing a necktie. This law was passed in 1929 after a man was seen driving a car with the top down and his necktie flying in the wind. The law states that it is illegal to "operate a motor vehicle with the top down while wearing a necktie."

20 - In Illinois, it is illegal to drive with a watermelon in your lap. This law was passed in 1961 after a man was seen driving with a watermelon in his lap and crashed into another car. The law states that it is illegal to "operate a motor vehicle while holding any object in your lap that could obstruct your view."

19 - In Indiana, it is illegal to drive a car with a dead fish on the dashboard. This law was passed in 1971 after a man was seen driving a car with a dead fish on the dashboard. The law states that it is illegal to "operate a motor vehicle with any dead animal on the dashboard."

18 - In Iowa, it is illegal to drive with a pet pig in the front seat of your car. This law was passed in 2011 after a woman was seen driving with a pet pig in the front seat of her car. The law states that it is illegal to "operate a motor vehicle with any animal in the front seat" unless the animal is "secured in a crate or other approved container."

17 - In Kansas, it is illegal to honk your car horn while driving through a tunnel. This law was passed in 1968 after a series of accidents involving cars honking their horns in tunnels. The law states that it is illegal to "sound a horn or other warning device in any tunnel."

16 - In Kentucky, it is illegal to drive with an ice scraper in your hand. This law was passed in 1994 after a man was seen driving with an ice scraper in his hand and crashed into another car. The law states that it is illegal to "operate a motor vehicle while holding any object in your hand that could obstruct your view."

15 - In Louisiana, it is illegal to drive with a pet alligator in your car. This law was passed in 1979 after a man was seen driving with a pet alligator in his car. The law states that it is illegal to "transport any dangerous animal in or upon any motor vehicle" unless the animal is "secured in a crate or other approved container."

14 - Similar to Arkansas, In Maine, it is also illegal to drive barefoot. This law was passed in 1989 after a barefoot driver caused a fatal accident. The law states that it is illegal to "operate a motor vehicle while barefoot."

13 - In Maryland, it is illegal to drive with a horse in the back seat of your car. This law was passed in 1937 after a man was seen driving with a horse in the back seat of his car. The law states that it is illegal to "transport any livestock in or upon any motor vehicle" unless the livestock is "secured in a crate or other approved container."

12 - In Massachusetts, it is illegal to drive with a dead deer in your car. This law was passed in 1979 after a man was seen driving with a dead deer in his car. The law states that it is illegal to "transport any dead animal in or upon any motor vehicle" unless the animal is "secured in a crate or other approved container."

11 - In Michigan, it is illegal to drive with an ice cube in your back pocket. This law was passed in 1960 after a man was seen driving with an ice cube in his back pocket. The law states that it is illegal to "transport any ice in or upon any motor vehicle" unless the ice is "secured in a container."

10 - In Minnesota, it is illegal to drive with a pet moose in your car. This law was passed in 1977 after a man was seen driving with a pet moose in his car. The law states that it is illegal to "transport any wild animal in or upon any motor vehicle" unless the animal is "secured in a crate or other approved container."

9 - Similar to Iowa, In Mississippi, it is illegal to drive with a pet pig in the passenger seat of your car. This law was passed in 2011 after a woman was seen driving with a pet pig in the passenger seat of her car. The law states that it is illegal to "transport any livestock in or upon any motor vehicle" unless "secured in a crate or other approved container."

8 - Similar to Alabama, In Missouri, it is illegal to drive with a pet monkey in your car. This law was passed in 2005 after a woman was seen driving with a pet monkey in her car. The law states that it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle while accompanied by any "wild or vicious animal."

7 - In Montana, it is illegal to drive with a pet ferret in your car. This law was passed in 2009 after a woman was seen driving with a pet ferret in her car. The law states that it is illegal to "transport any exotic animal in or upon any motor vehicle" unless the animal is "secured in a crate or other approved container."

6 - In Nebraska, it is illegal to drive with a pet gerbil in your car. This law was passed in 2010 after a woman was seen driving with a pet gerbil in her car. The law states that it is illegal to "transport any exotic animal in or upon any motor vehicle" unless the animal is "secured in a crate or other approved container."

5 - In Nevada, it is illegal to drive with a pet iguana in your car. This law was passed in 2011 after a man was seen driving with a pet iguana in his car. The law states that it is illegal to "transport any exotic animal in or upon any motor vehicle" unless the animal is "secured in a crate or other approved container."

4 - In New Hampshire, it is illegal to drive with an unmuzzled bear in your car. This law was passed in 1967 after a man was seen driving with an unmuzzled bear in his car. The law states that it is illegal to "transport any wild animal in or upon any motor vehicle" unless the animal is "secured in a crate or other approved container."

3 - In New Jersey, it is illegal to drive with a pet skunk in your car. This law was passed in 1976 after a woman was seen driving with a pet skunk in her car. The law states that it is illegal to "transport any wild animal in or upon any motor vehicle" unless the animal is "secured in a crate or other approved container."

2 - In New Mexico, it is illegal to drive with a pet rattlesnake in your car. This law was passed in 1983 after a man was seen driving with a pet rattlesnake in his car. The law states that it is illegal to "transport any wild animal in or upon any motor vehicle" unless the animal is "secured in a crate or other approved container."

1 - In New York, it is illegal to drive with a pet goldfish in your car. This law was passed in 1997 after a woman was seen driving with a pet goldfish in her car. The law states that it is illegal to "transport any live fish in or upon any motor vehicle" unless the fish is "secured in a container that is at least 1 gallon in size."
We find it fascinating that many of these focus around transporting animals and that a law with strict rules actually had to be approved by government law makers. So remember, next time you need to take your pet bear to the in-laws for the holidays, make sure he is muzzled.